Rudy and I LOVE yard sales. For years we would go with no plan in mind. We would end up with all sorts of random crap that will end up in our own yard sale someday soon. We moved this past spring and realized we have way too much random, underutilized crap. So we decided from now on we would yard sale with a distinct purpose and made a little list of items we would search for at yard sales. If it isn't on the list, there has to be a very compelling reason to purchase it. The things on our list aren't
really need right away, just things we would like to have if they are the right price or that we will need within the next year. It is kind of like a treasure hunt list. Some of the things we have found this year so far was a Chicco hook-on travel highchair ($4), a microwave ($8), and today's find was a lot of 13 wooden embroidery hoops for $4!! I have a great craft in mind for the hoops, so as soon as I am able to I will share the finished product.